Yo Bloggers! I know that I've been loading you with words, words and words... Thus, here I'm presenting to you a photo montage of the symbols in The Giver! These photos depict the significant symbols in The Giver and I've elaborated on each of them, so that you could understand why it is significant. Have a fabulous 'foto (photo) fiesta!!
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The Colour Red |
First and foremost, colour is an important element in The Giver. We were able to deduce that because of the fact there is the quality of Sameness in The Giver, the community is unable to differentiate the different colours, with the exception of the The Giver and Jonas (of course...). Yet, there are certain circumstances where Jonas was able to see the colour red, specifically. Firstly, he noticed that the, "apple had changed" (Pg 24) when Asher threw it to him (when they were playing catch). Secondly, he noticed it that, "she [Fiona] had changed... It seemed to be just her hair," (Pg 90), when he was going for his training after having a short conversation with Fiona. Thirdly, he noticed it in his memories where,"the sled had-and continued to have, as he blinked, and stared at it again-that same mysterious quality that the apple had had." (Pg 93).
In my opinion, I think that Lowry used the colour red as an outstanding symbol to bring forth certain meanings. What does the colour red remind you of? Fire, passion, love... (and Twilight maybe?!) Red is possibly a intense colour. Well, it could be the intense colour. Hence, when Jonas "sees" the colour red, he's not just seeing the colour. He is experiencing the fire... the passion... the love... That could be the reason why Jonas is physically attracted to Fiona who has RED hair, portraying love... When Jonas starts to lose hope at the last point of his journey, he finds the RED sled, portraying hope and courage... Do you think it's coincidental, bloggers?
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Gabriel, the baby |
Secondly, another eminent symbol in The Giver is Gabriel (Awww... Isn't he cutest thing?). Gabe is the symbol of hope and beginning. Babies are young, careless, naive and they just bring about a regeneration and a new beginning for something. Here, Gabe is also young and careless, free from the rigid rules of the society... Free from problems... Gabriel is too young to be tied to the rules of the community, so he is still receptive to the powerful memories that Jonas transmits to him. Jonas escapes with Gabe, to save the baby's life, but his gesture is also symbolic of him trying to change things, to start a new life Elsewhere. His struggles to keep Gabriel alive reflect his struggles to maintain his ideals in the face of difficulty. Hence, the next time you see a baby, you should be reminded of hope... Beginning... And cuteness...
There's a definite association between those who have pale eyes and those who can receive memories. Of, course there isn't a scientific explanation for it (like the Birthmother they are born to), but we can deduce that Lowry has used this unique organ as a way to differentiate the normal (rest of the community) and those who have the Capacity to See Beyond. We can observe that those who are able to receive memories are those who have pale eyes-the Giver, Jonas and Gabe. This artistic element can be used to prove that these few people who are different from the rest of the community in terms of physical features, are also differnt in terms of their ability to "see" beyond. They are able to see colours (Jonas) and listen to music (the Giver). They are able to understand the things that the rest of the community can't understand and will never will...
Jonas is in some way, pre-destined to be The Receiver, with his pale eyes and his Capacity to See Beyond even before he was selected as the Receiver. Moreover, this pale-eye concept creates a special bond between Jonas and the Giver, and Jonas and Gabe, which no one else in the community can ever share. It fits the picture perfectly!
However, if you are wondering why it should be pale eyes and why not pink or green eyes, I think I can clarify your question... Well, the evidence is in The Giver itself. Remember? Jonas decided that the pale eyes reminded him of "Depth" (Pg 21), "as if one were looking into the clear water of the river, down to the bottom, where things might lurk which haven't been discovered yet," (Pg 21), when he saw Gabe's. Consequently, we can conclude that as Jonas, the Giver and Gabe had pale eyes, they have a sense of depth, whereby they tend to look at things from a different angle and observe things. Jonas indeed looks into things more deeply. He wonders a lot of things-of, "why it was necessary" to not let, "children or adults to look at another's nakedness" (Pg 30), how it would be, "if we could hold up things that were bright red, or bright yellow, and he [Gabriel] could choose," (Pg 98) and so on...The way he perceives the world is different – more reflective, more contemplative, more insightful – so it makes sense that his eyes appear different than everyone else's. And it makes sense that those with pale eyes are more insightful; more deep in thoughts...
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The Pale Eye |
Jonas is in some way, pre-destined to be The Receiver, with his pale eyes and his Capacity to See Beyond even before he was selected as the Receiver. Moreover, this pale-eye concept creates a special bond between Jonas and the Giver, and Jonas and Gabe, which no one else in the community can ever share. It fits the picture perfectly!
However, if you are wondering why it should be pale eyes and why not pink or green eyes, I think I can clarify your question... Well, the evidence is in The Giver itself. Remember? Jonas decided that the pale eyes reminded him of "Depth" (Pg 21), "as if one were looking into the clear water of the river, down to the bottom, where things might lurk which haven't been discovered yet," (Pg 21), when he saw Gabe's. Consequently, we can conclude that as Jonas, the Giver and Gabe had pale eyes, they have a sense of depth, whereby they tend to look at things from a different angle and observe things. Jonas indeed looks into things more deeply. He wonders a lot of things-of, "why it was necessary" to not let, "children or adults to look at another's nakedness" (Pg 30), how it would be, "if we could hold up things that were bright red, or bright yellow, and he [Gabriel] could choose," (Pg 98) and so on...The way he perceives the world is different – more reflective, more contemplative, more insightful – so it makes sense that his eyes appear different than everyone else's. And it makes sense that those with pale eyes are more insightful; more deep in thoughts...
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The River |
I know it's just a river, like your usual Nile, Amazon, Mississippi and Missouri and stuff... Yet, the river is rather a major symbol-an abstract idea; a concept, in The Giver. It's not just the kind of river where you go and have a swim or go fishing but it's where an idea is formed around; it's what separates different civilizations; it's why there was a death... The river, which runs into the community and out, to Elsewhere, symbolizes escape from the confines of the community. It's the boundary between Jonas and the rest of the world. The way the river flows out from the community demonstrates the direction that Jonas eventually takes to escape to Elsewhere. When little Caleb drowns in the river and dies, it is one of the few events that the community cannot predict or control, and Jonas and the Giver are inspired to try to change the community by the idea of the river’s unpredictable behavior. Hence, they plan to lie to the community that Jonas had been drowned in the river,when he actually had gone Elsewhere. Thus, the ordinary, flowing river has been transformed into an extra-ordinary element in The Giver, whereby the fabulous story ends fabulously...
What do you think, bloggers? How did you enjoy the pictures?! The flaming red... The cute baby... The pale eye... The flowing river... They may seem like normal, day-to-day stuff but they are actually extra-ordinary as I had mentioned earlier. Every single element in a book or even a movie or a song has its own meaning and form of understanding. We've always though the colour red as just an ordinary colour; nothing but the colour of fire, sun, apple and stuff... Now, we actually understand that this colour red can portray passion, strife and even love... I hope that the photo montage captured your attention but if it didn't, feel free to comment on it!!! Bye!!! Subi :)
P.S. Is this how you do a photo montage? Am I right? PLEASE TELL ME!!! :D
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